What to Expect

Physiotherapy Treatment

Our services are tailored to the individual client’s needs, and include the following:

  • One off assessment
  • Home programmes
  • Physiotherapy treatment blocks (weekly, fortnightly, twice weekly)
  • Monthly maintenance programmes
  • ‘Movement MOT for children’ assessment
  • Postural Management advice and programmes
  • Advice to carers regarding appropriate postural management equipment
  • Assessment and reports for Statutory Assessment of Special Educational Needs (SEN reports)


During the initial assessment, the physiotherapist will establish

  • the nature of the difficulties that your child is experiencing
  • the concerns that you have for your child
  • what you would like your child’s physiotherapy treatment to achieve
  • Initial assessments last for approximately 1 to 1½ hours

We will ask you a number of questions about your child’s development including their medication, whether they have received any treatment, the functional difficulties they are having and the medical professionals that are involved in their care.

This will be followed by a clinical and functional assessment which will include a number of the following elements, depending on the nature of your child’s condition:

  • assessing joint ranges of movement
  • muscle lengths
  • muscle strength
  • muscle imbalance
  • analysing how your child moves
  • analysing your child’s posture

Your child will need to be appropriately undressed to facilitate an accurate movement assessment.

Your consent, and your child’s consent, where appropriate, will be obtained prior to the examination.

The physiotherapist will establish the main problems that you child is experiencing and formulate a physiotherapy treatment and management plan. This will be discussed with you and your child as appropriate.

We provide advice and home programmes of activities which families are encouraged to continue with between physiotherapy sessions, to ensure carry-over and maximise functional potential.

We work alongside and liaise with NHS physiotherapists, as well as other therapists and members of the multidisciplinary team; as well as teachers and school staff; child care providers; and sports coaches as appropriate.


» Where and When

» Charges and Referrals

» Consent and Confidentiality